Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when someone consumes the solution or the powder?
It is not fatal. However, seeking medical advice would be recommended in such cases.
If used in STPs and ETPs, does it affect the machines and does it corrode the metals?
No, it is non corrosive and would not affect the machines it is used on
How will the effectiveness of the product last once the enzymes are activated?
The efficacy of the product will last for 8 hours.
How does the product work on waste?
ENVOREIN – when sprinkled or sprayed on contaminated or fetid areas, it sterilises the region and neutralises bad odour making contaminated water reusable and inodorous. It increases the process of oxidisation by raising the dissolved oxygen
Why is ENVOREIN better than any other product in the market?
There is no product like ENVOREIN. Unlike other products ENVOREIN just takes 10 to 15 days to compost the solid biodegradable waste. It is a quick solution to put an end to such severe situations and is highly cost-effective, easy and efficient.